
Piano Master Classes in Aubagne-en-Provence

Courses Piano Master Classes
Courses Piano Master Classes

Intensive piano camps lasting one week are organized throughout the year by Piano Cantabile. Bernard d’Ascoli, in collaboration with Eleanor Harris, provides coaching for pianists of all ages, with a minimum level of college entrance or Grade 8. Daily classes take place in an exceptional setting close to Marseille. Situated in the foothills of the Marcel Pagnol countryside, the Provençal “Mas” provides an ideal environment for study and relaxation.

Piano courses in Provence

Piano courses in a warm and studious atmosphere
a convivial atmosphere

Coaching provided by Bernard d’Ascoli, pianist and international pedagogue (1st prize Barcelona, 3rd prize Leeds) in collaboration with Eleanor Harris, eminent British pianist, pedagogue and composer.
The Piano Cantabile training centre provides:
– Coaching for entrance exams to superior level conservatoires and national and international competitions
– In-depth repertoire study for pianists of all ages
Eleven week-long camps take place each year during the French school holidays.

Upcoming dates in 2024:

  • 1st summer course: 10 – 17 July (full)
  • 2nd summer course: 17 – 24 July (full)
  • 3rd summer course: 13 – 20 August (full)
  • 4th summer course: 20 – 27 August (full)
  • 1st autumn course: 19 – 26 October
  • 2nd autumn course: 26 October – 2 November


The course in detail:

Piano courses in the best working conditions
intense working conditions

Two large music rooms, nine practice instruments, including three grand pianos

Master classes on a superb concert Steinway
Six to ten participants per course
A minimum of six hours of coaching throughout the week, more than half with Mr d’Ascoli
1st day: students arrive between 5 and 8pm
Day two to day seven:
– Morning: private practice, activities
– From 2 to 4pm: Masterclass with B. d’Ascoli
– from 4 to 8pm: individual lessons or collective seminars with one of the two teachers
Evening of 7th day: Recital given by course particpants before an invited audience
8th day: debriefing session
Students depart 12 to 3pm

Multiple activities nearby (Aix – 35 minutes, Cassis – 20 min) and available on-site:
Mountain biking, hiking, gym (elliptical cross-trainer and exercise bikes, body-building machine), ping-pong, badminton, billiards, darts, swimming pool when the temperature allows…

Tariffs and information

Piano courses in an idyllic setting conducive to relaxation too
an exceptional setting

Course fee: 500 €
Self-catering accomodation (fully-equipped kitchen/dining facilities):
· Shared twin bedroom: 175 €
· Private bedroom: 280 €
Participation conditions:
· Minimum level required: Grade 8 or college entrance
· Open to pianists of all ages but under-18s must be accompanied by an adult
(Same tariffs apply for the accomodation of the accompanying adult)
E-mail contact [+]
Tél. : +33 (0)4 42 84 02 36
Adress : 350, impasse du Baou, 13400 Aubagne

The courses are organized in accordance with the measures against Covid 19.